Personal Growth Facilitator
As a Personal Growth Facilitator, Renate Novak uses the accumulation of all life and work experience. This includes her work as a Certified Hakomi Therapist. The goal is to bring about the powerful shifts and changes that an individual desires.
This work will allow an individual to make new and different choices that are not automatically determined by the past. Experiences of increased periods of freedom, inner peace, and clarity become possible.
If a person has the desire to live a more expansive and satisfying life, Renate Novak will facilitate this through mindful self-study, the discovery of unconscious limiting beliefs, habitual thoughts, and body memory patterns that have confined the individual to living a familiar and repetitive life. In transcending the conditioning of the past it is possible to create a future that includes vibrant well-being, a sense of freedom, healthy relationships, and work that is aligned with the true nature of SELF.
What is Hakomi?
HAKOMI is a Body Centered Therapy that assists clients in recovering their innate authentic self by becoming mindful and self aware. In the field of loving presence, safety and mindfulness held by the practitioner, the client can study body sensations, feelings, thoughts and memories and understand their meaning. HAKOMI therefore helps resolve inner confusion and conflict, helping the client find the path to a purposeful and illuminated life. Learn more at
Renate Novak is a Personal Growth Facilitator and certified HAKOMI therapist. Her office is in Princeton, NJ.